Skills are often viewed as the utmost requirement in most employee recruitment. But do you know that most often, attitude & character of the employee is the main issue that can jeopardize the company,and frequently lead to suspensions?


Knowing the character of prospective employees before signing a contract is important to avoid frequent employee turnover. Generally, interview is used as a reference in looking at the character of the prospective employee. But it cannot be denied that the analysis given at the time of the interview are often different from real character, which often knon shortly after the employee has started working. As a result, the employee recruited might be no well appropriate nor the placement are not in accordance with their job profile, or even an increase in turnover.

A person's true character is stored in his brain. Interviews process using verbal communication, only stimulate 20% of the brain. This explains why the interview can be considered less effective. To find out the character of a person, an overall picture of the brain must be obtained.

In the process of writing, the brain will be stimulated in a bigger range. As an illustration, one cannot write without having a self-talk. Generally, self talk happens only in the mind, but not infrequently voices are coming out of mouth during the writing session. Overall, about 80% of the brain's parts will be stimulated, giving a far more accurate picture of the character of prospective employees. Thus the process of recruitment and job profiling will become easier.

We provide graphology services for recruitment and job profiling for your employees. The type of report can be costumed to your company's needs.

Example of recruitment report :

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